Will You Ever Take Me Seriously?

Alison Sparks
3 min readApr 29, 2022
Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.

I often wonder if I’ll be taken seriously by other writers because I’m a sex worker. I write under the same name to keep the credibility and show my community that I can be a part of them while advocating for them as well. But what about the other side? The writerly side?

Will fantasy fiction writers scoff at me because I’m naked online? Will publishers take me seriously if I ever do write a book that I want to publish? ‘No big publishing house will want to work with you.’ Those were some of the last words of my former Prose teacher before I cut her out of my life. What if she’s right? I don’t know how to balance sex work with writing and succeed at both. Can I even have a LinkedIn profile to promote my work, or will that be frowned upon because I’m a sex worker?

Certain parts of my life were always sorted into neat, little categories, but ever since things have started overlapping, and I have chosen to open up to some people about what I do, they have got messy. As I apply for any writing related job and put down being a self-employed writer on my CV, I dread the possibility of them asking for my writing examples. I say that I am a copywriter, but the only work I’ve got to show for it is porn related. Porn video descriptions, articles for an adult industry blog and a website copy for a phone sex site. I specialize in the adult entertainment side of things, and…



Alison Sparks

Just a writer, sharing my musings on sex, sexuality, sex work, mental health and LGBTQ+ topics.