The Issue With Male Pleasure Centered Porn

Alison Sparks
2 min readJun 6, 2022
Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova on Pexels.

Let me say this — I am sick of porn that centers around male pleasure while discarding female pleasure. Every video features a cumshot or a creampie while only a small fraction of them feature female orgasms. Why is that?

Don’t get me wrong — I love porn, but finding porn that gets ME off is hard these days. Videos from male POV where I can see nothing but a stunt penis with the girl are off-putting to me. And so are videos where the guy gets to cum, but the girl doesn’t. I love female orgasms. The part where she gets to cum is usually the part that brings me to an orgasm. If this part does not exist, I just end up feeling frustrated and annoyed.

And then it gets me thinking — what about the female pleasure? Why is it so uncommon for a woman to cum in most amateur and some mainstream porn? Why do I have to specifically enter ‘female orgasm’ in the search bar, while a male orgasm just seems to be included on default? Maybe the presumption that most porn consumers are men still exist. And that’s what many creators have in mind as they make their videos. But the truth is that people of any gender with any set of pronouns watch porn and, at the end of the day, they are seeking something they can relate to that gets them off.

So, why do I take it so personally when I stumble upon yet another male pleasure centered video? Perhaps, I’m trying to relate to the girl in the video, but the message that I take away from it is that MY pleasure does not matter. It is always all about the guy. And this leaves me wondering — am I the only woman who gets this message from male pleasure centered porn, or do you too? Let me know in the comments.



Alison Sparks

Just a writer, sharing my musings on sex, sexuality, sex work, mental health and LGBTQ+ topics.